Student evaluation in the mensa55 and cafete55

Kategorie: Allgemein , Verpflegung

On Monday, 05.06.2023, through Wednesday, 07.06, questionnaires will be distributed at mensa55 and cafete55 as part of a student study interested in opinions about vegan and vegetarian dining options.

On Monday (12:00-14:00), Tuesday (11:00-13:30) and Wednesday (11:00-13:30) the survey will be conducted with a questionnaire on site.

This will be a 2-3 minute survey to gauge your satisfaction with the vegetarian/ vegan food options at the Mensa. Your data will be collected anonymously, stored and evaluated only in the context of this study. The data will not be passed on to third parties.

This survey is a scientific study by the Chair of Research Methodology and Evaluation at the Institute of Psychology at Chemnitz University of Technology and in cooperation with the canteen. The survey is conducted by students of the master's program in psychology.