Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau

Dear students and future students!
Welcome to Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau (Student Service Organisation Chemnitz-Zwickau). We are delighted that you have chosen to study, or are considering studying, here in our region.
In Germany, the Studentenwerk (student services organisation) is designed to help students cope with the non-academic part of their student life. Universities in Germany usually do not administer social services for students themselves. This is done by separate public law institutions, which are arranged by region and are called "Studentenwerk".
Our job is to support, advise and assist you throughout your time at university. Our staff is happy to help and specialised in a wide variety of areas: food & canteens, student housing and student finance. Additionally we offer a broad range of counselling services especially for students.
Our four canteens (“Mensas”) and cafeterias offer a variety of balanced dining options to take you from breakfast to dinner. The menus include a choice of international dishes and vegetarian and vegan options. The prices are set to accommodate a student budget. Furthermore, we even have our own cashless payment system.
Our student housing team is proud to offer you affordable and attractive rooms directly on campus.
And whether you’re studying here in Germany or taking a semester abroad, we can support you financially under the terms of the Federal Education and Training Assistance Act (BAföG). We provide support for students’ cultural activities and offer legal, social and psychological counselling free of charge.
We can also offer social loans or emergency grants to students in case of hardship situations, particularly for disadvantaged students, students with children, students with disabilities or chronic illnesses and international students.
Feel free to talk to us! We are happy to help and advise you so you can make the most of your studies.
Yours faithfully
Anja Schönherr
Managing Director