4th Chemnitz Literature Talks

27.07.2022 19:00
Place: Am Walkgraben 13, 09119 Chemnitz, ODC-Chemnitz (tuffner-Möbelgalerie)

On 27.07.2022, the novel 'Die Ladenhüterin' by Sayaka Murata and the non-fiction book 'Die Selbstgerechten' by Sahra Wagenknecht will form the basis of the talks. Books will be introduced by guests Karl-Jonathan Dittrich (student at TU Chemnitz) and Dietman Holz (cabaret artist) and discussed together with the moderators, Bernadette Malinowski (TU Chemnitz) and Tina Horlitz (Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau).

The event will take place at the ODC-Chemnitz (tuffner Möbelgalerie), Am Walkgraben 13, 09119 Chemnitz at 7 p.m.

The entrance is free!

Be cordially invited to listen, talk and read along. We look forward to an exchange with you!

For more information, please visit the weblog: www.chemnitzer-literaturgespraeche.de